Many journalists and authors have attempted to capture the essence of the Cape Cod Baseball League, but none have sought to enter the world of the individuals who live the experience in the way Jim Collins has.
Collins followed the Chatham A's throughout the summer of 2002, spending every day with the players, coaches and people around the club. His summer-long investigation has made for one of the most insightful accounts of what the Cape League is about. The story Collins presents includes much more than the nuts and bolts of how the Chatham A's operate or how the 2002 season unfolded. More importantly to Collins,
The Last Best League reveals the emotional side of playing college baseball and how young men try to come of age over the course of a summer, the most important and most memorable summer a college baseball player might enjoy.
Dan D'Uva talks with the venerable journalist
In Depth about writing the book and how the finished product came together.
Copies of
The Last Best League are available for purchase at the Merchandise Tent at Veterans Field or online at
Google Books.
Anglers Extra Audio
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